Where is the product in demand?
The following areas can be considered as priorities:
- Areas where soils are poor, depleted and in need of remediation (including desert soils).
- Regions where residents try to carry out organic farming.
- Territories where agriculture is a traditional sector, but does not fully meet the country's food needs.
- Land plots where soils are low in fertility, including as a result of irrational land use, as well as land where work is underway to restore soil cover and improve its fertility.
The main part (97-98%) of the produced uTerra soil elixir will be intended for sale in the global market of organic fertilizers, 2-3% – for domestic use.
Is the product certified?
Certification of products in the territory of the Republic of Belarus is currently underway. With the expansion of the sales market, certification will be implemented in all supply regions of interest to the manufacturer.
TU are registered now for the following products:
- Biohumus. TU BY 192425076.018-2023.
- "uTerra soil elixir". TU BY 691935133.006-2022.
- Complex liquid organic fertilizers for plants uTerra, uTerra oasis. TU BY 691935133.007-2023.
Consumers of the product (target audience)
uTerra Soil Elixir and natural biohumus can be used for both personal and commercial purposes. We can roughly divide the CA according to two criteria.
Personal use:
- Families with homestead (private) property. They strive to grow only natural products to maintain their own health.
- Private farmers who provide their shop counters with quality tasty farm produce grown without the use of chemical fertilisers.
- People who grow flowers at home.
Commercial use:
- Greenhouse creators: decorate venues and events with fresh flowers.
- Owners of greenhouse complexes/vineyards deciding to produce uTerra product for growing organic produce.
- Organic farming business owners looking to expand their product line after seeing what products are available at uSBC.
- State and ministries (state programmes for the restoration of desert lands).
- Medium and large scale agricultural corporations.
Who could be considered competitors?
There are no direct competitors to biohumus and uTerra soil elixir.
Indirect ones, however, are the companies that produce and sell soils, and it is important to understand that biohumus and soil are different products. They are often perceived by the consumer as being of the same type, as both are used for growing plants. The difference is that biohumus is organic food for plants, not the soil they are planted in.
That said, each regional market has its own unique indirect competitors. As for the Soil Elixir product, for example, in Russia, there is information that the company Uralinvest LLC is creating a workshop for the production of humic fertilizers, in the Republic of Belarus – the company Belneftesorb CJSC. As for Crumbly Biohumus product, BioBelGroup LLC, acting under the brand "Zhivaya Zemlya" was established. In Minsk, activities are carried out by Trade House Rost Agro and Biogumus Gaspadar enters the market.
Diesel fuel, gunpowder, chemical solutions – a tough test in real field conditions, which uTerra products coped with. We are talking about complex cases where ordinary humus will not be effective: having collected most of the elements of the periodic table, the developers managed to make the Utera elixir universal and applicable to soils of any degree of damage. Most of the proposed analogues on the market in terms of efficiency and content of the necessary organic matters, chemical elements cannot even compete with our offer.
How does the Company's product stand out from the competitors?
The uTerra soil elixir is created by carefully selected associations of thousands of species of microorganisms beneficial to the soil. A unique author's nutritional formula, which even includes honey, is used to develop and provide a healthy environment for microorganisms. Each ingredient used carries the beneficial properties needed by the soil.
uTerra soil elixir:
- increases yields by 35-50%;
- accelerates plant growth and enhances fruit flavor;
- increases the content of vitamins, amino acids and minerals;
- reduces the presence of nitrates, radionuclides and ultra-microelements;
- protects against diseases and pests;
- enriches the soil with useful microorganisms and normalises its acidity.
Crumbly biohumus is formed as a result of vital activity of a specially bred kind of earthworm Lumbricus uTerris, capable to eat not only organic matter but also relic raw materials: brown coal, peat.
uTerra biohumus:
- guarantees an ecologically clean harvest;
- stimulates the natural activity of beneficial microorganisms and enzymes;
- strengthens the immunity of plants and restores the fertility of degraded lands;
- 10 - 15 times more effective than any known organic fertilizer;
- Completely harmless in any concentration and on any soil;
- 100% organic fertiliser.
Competitive advantages of the created product in comparison with world analogues:
- the use of only natural components as raw materials: brown coal, peat, crumbly biohumus, molasses, honey, etc;
- balanced content of organic compounds, which improve the quality of plant products and have a positive effect on their taste and smell;
- the presence in the composition of all the salts of humic acids and a full range of agronomically valuable microorganisms;
- the product belongs to the category of non-hazardous (low-hazardous) substances.
For comparison, the number of microorganisms per 1 kg:
Rich black soil — up to 1 trillion
uTerra biohumus — 10 trillion
Is the product seasonal in nature? If so, how does it manifest itself?
We can talk about the seasonality factor if we are talking about the markets of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation. This is directly related to weather conditions.
Among farmers there is an increased demand from February to May, among gardeners – May-June, when root fertiliser is applied to plants. Then, when plant growth begins, the demand is levelled, followed by foliar dressing. By autumn, as homesteaders begin to harvest and put nutrition into the soil for the coming season, demand increases again. Note that seasonality in each individual country is related to the phases of plant growth and development: as the climate is different everywhere, the cycle is different in countries with tropical climates. If we talk about the countries of the Middle East region, there is no seasonality, which makes our product in demand all year round.
Are there any restrictions on the sale of products at the legislative level? How might this influence the sales?
In every country there is control over the use of this type of product.
To reduce the restriction factor, registration of the product with the relevant authority is required. Since the procedure is known and consists of understandable elements, there should be no obstacles to implementation, marketing and distribution. Activity is legally regulated, requirements and conditions are known. The documentary base is formed individually according to the requirements of a particular region. Once the point of sale has been identified, the company develops adaptive solutions and carries out legal approvals with the regulator. First of all, it is planned to sell products in the territory of the Republic of Belarus and Russia, further, with the emergence of investors and profit, the sales network will be systematically expanded. We will select the best options taking into account the commercial consistency of the project in a particular region, the intended sales market and its legal basis at the legislation level.
What goals does the Company plan to achieve?
Representation of products in the organic fertilizer market with 30-50% coverage.
It is planned to implement projects to create biosphere clusters, which will be able to provide a diversity of life forms (plant life) and will pay for itself through the sale of products grown with the use of organic farming approaches.
Who is involved in the development, testing, experimentation, study of the final product?
Several teams work on product development.
The first team oversees biotechnology. Specialists design and create the product and carry out testing in the lab.
The second team is responsible for farming, uses product recommendations, grows crops.
These teams have over 8 years of expertise in these areas, from planting the garden to selling the final product on the market. The cluster also includes teams of technologists, engineers, designers with experience in projects implementation in the UAE and RB.
How long has the product been developed and tested?
Ideas and developments is over 10 years. The product has been in development for over 5 years.
The product was tested over a period of 3-4 years (seasons).
The "crumbly biohumus" is produced and applied since 2019, the "soil elixir" is produced and applied since 2022.
Who did provide conclusions about the quality and effectiveness of uTerra products?
- Republican Unitary Enterprise "Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry".
- State scientific institution "Institute of Nature Management of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus".
- Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
The uTerra fertilizers have MSDS International Safety Data Sheet and Protocols of state bodies regulating agricultural activities of the Republic of Belarus, confirming the quality of the product.
You can read the documents at the link.
Are there independent experts ready to confirm the effectiveness of the uTerra elixir?
Yes, there are.
At the moment we are working with the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy — the oldest and largest multi-profile institution of higher education in the field of agriculture among the CIS countries and Europe.
What volume of products is the plant ready to produce annually?
The production capacities allow to produce:
10,000 tonnes of soil elixir;
260 tonnes of crumbly biohumus;
500 tonnes of vegetable produce;
100 tonnes of fruit and berry produce.
Is the logistics in the domestic regions and beyond thought out?
At the moment, logistics in the domestic regions (inside the Republic of Belarus) is thought out.
After the registration of products on the territory of the countries of the Middle East and the Persian Gulf, it will be possible to deliver products, including using flight connection (the necessary documents have been prepared, for example, a "Safety data Sheet", which allows these products to be transported by air). The current strategy is to organise production in the region where we operate. It is possible to embed uST string transport to create a cluster with all the resulting logistics in any country in the world.
What is the Sustainable Biosphere Cluster and what does it include?
The Sustainable Biosphere Cluster biosphere greenhouse complex is an enclosed production agricultural complex with a subtropical microclimate, which includes the following solutions:
- greenhouse facility (greenhouse with subtropical microclimate);
- site for the production of uTerra crumbly biohumus;
- site for the production of uTerra soil elixir;
- sites for growing valuable mushrooms and medicinal herbs;
- site for quails raising.
What countries are interested in the Cluster developments?
The developments have aroused interest in the UAE, Vietnam, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, Indonesia, as well as in regions that require increased crop yields and improved soil health.
How much better is the uTerra elixir than similar products in terms of benefits?
According to the results of the tests the efficiency of the product when used according to the instructions exceeds analogues on the average by 30% and more.
When using the soil elixir there is no risk of overdose which distinguishes it from its analogues.
Is there a chance that the product will not be effective in a particular region?
Highly unlikely.
When creating the product, the soils of the region were analyzed, the optimal composition of formulations, associations of soil microorganisms for the conditions of the region were selected. In 2022, experiments were carried out on growing crops and assessing yields on sand: they turned out to be successful, the target values for yield volume were achieved.
Is it possible to come and taste the vegetables, herbs, fruits grown with uTerra natural humus and uTerra elixir?
Yes, we do.
It is necessary to agree in advance with the Cluster management by deciding on the date of the visit.
When talking about end products, do we mean only uTerra soil elixir and biohumus?
Yes, we do.
If we talk about the "Biosphere Greenhouse Complex" project, which includes the production of crumbly biohumus and soil elixir, there will be more products: not only soil elixir and biohumus, but also crops that are grown using these products (tomatoes, strawberries, herbs, etc.). Also quail meat and eggs.
Growing vegetables, fruits, quail breeding indicate the possibility of expanding the cluster in terms of product positions, however this is not the main area where the cluster concentrates its capacities.
The main share in the structure of revenue from the sale of products of the Sustainable Biosphere Cluster is attributable to revenue from the sale of uTerra soil elixir (97.7%).
Additional sources of revenue are revenue from sales of organic biohumus and products grown in the greenhouse complex.
Is the plant environmentally friendly? Will it apply eco-standards?
Yes, it is.
This is one of the fundamental principles both in the design of technological solutions and in the focus on eco-standards.
Has work on popularization of biohumus and uTerra elixir been done before?
The product was presented at the Organic Natural Expo in the UAE on 13-15 December 2022.
Presentations of the product in the Republic of Belarus to foreign investors and local authorities are carried out. Product information is placed on the internet resource unitsky.store, uterra.by is being finalized. The work on popularization of the product is planned for 2023.
Is the production of uTerra elixir dangerous?
How and where will the plant be registered?
A joint company will be created: on one side Anatoli Eduardovich (51%) and on the other side World Invest Group FZCO (UAE).
These two founders create a joint company in the UAE and own the production and business together.
Who will be involved in the construction of the plant? Have the contractors been identified?
At the moment, documents are being prepared, including the terms of reference necessary for the selection of a contractor. The selection process will be carried out on a competitive basis, taking into account the customer's interest.
Is it possible to build similar plants in other regions in the future? Are there any plans to scale up?
Yes. We are launching a plant in the UAE.
Then, depending on the volume of demand, other regions may be considered.
How much money should be raised for the construction of the plant?
Total investment: $20 million.
After the necessary investments are raised, the opportunity to invest will be closed.
During what period is planned to collect the necessary sum for the construction of the plant?
Approximate period of fundraising:
3-4 months from its launch.
How will the investment take place?
The investment attraction consists of three rounds. Each round has investment offers with a specific percentage of return depending on the amount invested. The higher the size of the investment made, the higher the return.
What profit will the investors of the Project receive?
An example of an investor's profit in the 1st round* of financing depending on the volume of personal investments and the annual profitability of the Company**
Estimated yield of the company, % p.a. |
Volume of investments, $ |
10 |
25 |
50 |
75 |
100 |
1.000 |
3% (30$) |
7,5% (75$) |
15% (150$) |
22,5% (225$) |
30% (300$) |
2.000 |
3,5% (70$) |
8,75% (175$) |
17,5% (350$) |
26,25% (525$) |
35% (700$) |
5.000 |
4% (200$) |
10% (500$) |
20% (1000$) |
30% (1500$) |
40% (2000$) |
10.000 |
4,5% (450$) |
11,25% (1125$) |
22,5% (2250$) |
33,75% (3375$) |
45% (4500$) |
20.000 |
5% (1000$) |
12,5% (2500$) |
25% (5000$) |
37,5% (7500$) |
50% (10000$) |
50.000 |
5,5% (2750$) |
13,75% (6875$) |
27,5% (13750$) |
41,25% (20625$) |
55% (27500$) |
100.000 |
6% (6000$) |
15% (15000$) |
30% (30000$) |
45% (45000$) |
60% (60000$) |
*investment conditions for subsequent rounds will be announced prior to their immediate launch
**100% yield means $20,000,000 (the required amount for the construction of the plant).
Is there a one-time profit or multiple profits?
Investors will receive % of profit during all period of functioning of the Project that makes investment in it attractive from the point of view of prospects and long-term funds investment.
When will it be possible to get the first profit?
Investors will be able to get the first profit in a year from the start of the production process and the beginning of product sales.
How often will investors recieve a profit?
We are considering several options, including: once a year, once every six months, once a quarter.
Investors will be notified in advance of the frequency of profits being credited to their accounts. Profits will be paid according to a business plan to be submitted by uScovery representatives.
Is the minimum amount of investment in the Project determined?
At the moment, the minimum amount of investment is 1,000 dollars.
In the future the amount can be adjusted.
Who will be able to invest in the Project?
First of all, access to investing will be open to those who make a significant contribution to the development of uST technology.
The volume of personal investments will be taken into account, as well as the cumulative contribution of the team. If the necessary amount is not collected from the first flow of investors, we will invite our other partners to participate in the financing of the plant.
Will interim accounts be provided to investors? If so, in what form?
Yes. Anything that can be provided, will definitely be provided.
Documents, certificates, estimates, videos of the construction site, etc.
Are we talking about a guaranteed profit, or is it still an opportunity to make a profit?
We are talking about profit sharing between the investors and the Company.
If a profit is received, investors can surely count on it. They are guaranteed to get their interest depending on the amount of their investment. The amount of the investor's profit in monetary terms will also depend on the company's earnings in the reporting period.
Where can I see the investment agreement in advance?